I was right with the last post - this is indeed the blog of presents. Usual disclaimer. Make sure you tell John (if you've emailed him, tell me to tell him to actually read his email...) if you're getting me something off this list so there's no awkwardness with doubling up and returns, please!
So college is done and in theory I should be doing, y'know, Life Stuff, but instead I'm finding that a lot of the things I want are much the same as over the past couple of years. Maybe I shouldn't be all that surprised, but still. Hopefully there'll be enough variation in here to accommodate assorted budgets, postal requirements, etc.
Anselm Kiefer Studios book (that link's Amazon, or it's at Book Depository). OMG. Anselm Kiefer is THE BEST THING EVER. I was practically in tears first time round at the big exhibition of his stuff at the Royal Academy. This book (REALLY heavy, so if you're going for this one, I'd recommend going with a delivery option even if you're going to be seeing me...) however, is about his studios, which are an integral part of his process and which also seem to serve as galleries of his work too. Looks glorious and fascinating.
Misfits series 1-3. So so funny. Season 3 fell off a bit but closes out a story arc. Don't bother with seasons 4-5. They pale into insignificance beside the first three.
Warehouse 13 - either season 2 (because we've only got season 1 so far) or season 5 (because it's where we're up to, having borrowed season 4 from LoveFilm but they don't have season 5 yet. aargh). Thank you, Damien!
True Blood Season 5. Just finished re-watching the first four seasons and looking forward to seeing what insanity ensues in season 5. I promised myself I'd buy it after I submitted my minor portfolio, then after my final, then when I finished the degree, but never found the spare money to do so...
The Music of John Cage, by John Pritchett (Amazon. Also at Book Depository but it's cheaper from Amazon and you'll be able to ship it for free to me anyway). This is a great book, which I discovered in the final weeks of my degree so wasn't able to do any more than just dip into it. Would really love to read the whole thing properly. Thank you, Mama!
Now that I'm no longer a student (*sob*) I'm about to lose I've lost my discounted Spotify subscription. As I don't have a job at the moment, this means that I'll probably not be starting up a new one for a while on the grounds of not being able to justify it, but there's a few CDs I'd like that have been on heavy Spotify rotation and I really don't want to stop listening to them or subject myself to the horror that is Spotify ads:
- Stereophonics - Keep Calm and Carry On (this one seems to have vanished off Spotify entirely since the last time I listened to it)
- OK Go - Oh No - SUCH an awesome album - I keep coming back to it again and again. Brilliant stuff.
- Cibo Matto - Pom Pom (The Essential Cibo Matto) - there aren't many bands I've discovered thanks to a TV show, but I always meant to check them out properly after they turned up in an episode of Buffy ("Cibo Matto can clog dance????") and finally got around to it and the answer is 'great' - quirky and catchy. And all their songs are about cooking too. So much fun.
- Per Norgard - Songs - gorgeous vocal writing. Really lovely.
- Emerson String Quartet - Janacek/Martinu - lovely performances of fantastic string quartets by Janacek and Martinu. This one's been on the list for a couple of years now.
Douglas Kahn - Noise Water Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts - like the Cage book, I never had the time to do anything more than briefly touch on this book last year and the second time I dipped into it, I understood so much more that I really regretted not having the time to read the whole thing.
eldritch Priest - Boring Formless Nonsense: Experimental Music and the Aesthetics of Failure - Really interested to read this one - haven't found it in a library or anywhere else - as it seems to tie in with a lot of the ideas I was exploring in my MFA project.
James Saunders - The Ashgate Research Companion to Experimental Music - again, a book I was only able to dip into during the degree. Really dense but useful and interesting stuff, that unfortunately really needs slow and careful reading which is difficult with library books. Stupidly expensive too, so hard to justify buying for myself!
Richard Taruskin - The Oxford History of Western Music - this 5-volume set comes with my friend Ed's highest recommendation - apparently it is not only extremely thorough and interesting but eminently readable as well. I do have the Grout and Palisca History of Western Music, but it is very much a potted version when compared to this. The hardcover edition is just insanely expensive (don't be fooled by Amazon's £14.95 price - that's only the index volume!) but the paperback should be just fine. Again, more expensive than I can justify buying for myself in hard copy so skip this if you're feeling poor :-)
Mick Maslen - Drawing Projects: An Exploration of the Language of Drawing - this one's been on my Amazon list for quite a while - looks like there are some great ideas in there by some really interesting artists. This looks even better than I thought it would - thank you, Mama!
Bill Viola - Reasons for Knocking at an Empty House: Writings 1973-1994 - I've been starting to get interested in video art recently, and Viola's work is really stunning and this book seems to be focused a lot on his process, so I'm really interested to read it. From the lovely Da - thank you!
Nonclassical - We Break Strings: The Alternative Classical Scene in London - this looks a lovely book - photos and interviews (including with Bastard Assignments!) - sounds like a really lovely thing to have.
Set of interchangeable circular knitting needles - this one has been on this list probably for about 5 years now because I still can't justify buying it for myself, but I want it! I really want it! It would mean no more having to fork out the cost of the yarn again to buy new needles for every circular project, no more messing around with the horror that is double-pointed needles either. And I have 1 pair of this make of needles in straight needles, and some cable needles and they are a joy to use.
Grayson Perry: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl - Had a peek at this a little while ago and it looked really interesting. Amazon reviews are generally saying it's delightful. Djelibeybi provided this one, lovely chap. Can't wait to start reading it!
also, as Djeli & I have recently realised, it's going to become harder to find games for our Wii now that it's been superseded by the Wii U, so here are a few that I'm interested in playing:
- Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7. I love the Lego games - so simple even I can usually complete them without having recourse to other family members. Plus Harry Potter. There is no bad :-)
- Disney Epic Mickey. Yes, Mickey Mouse. It's supposed to be excellent, so branching out a little with this one.
- Super Mario Galaxy. I'm ashamed to say that, with the exception of a few rounds of Mario Kart (at which I am very bad) I've never really played a Mario game. This one appears near the top of most 'Best Wii Games Ever' lists.
- Rabbids Go Home. Pure silliness. Some friends had one of the other Rabbids games, which was great fun, and this was listed as one of the best in the franchise in somebody's list. Looks like enormous silly fun.
As Damien's going to need his digital recorder when he returns to Australia, the time has come for me to replace my dead Zoom, and the one I want to replace it with is the Tascam DR-40. Prices are pretty variable. Amazon has some OK prices, and Canford currently have a respectable price for it (note: VAT not included) and seem a reputable firm.
The usual gift vouchers - either for Amazon.co.uk or for Cass Art which is where I buy most of my supplies so can always find ways to spend money there! Or iTunes, actually - I don't buy music from iTunes because of objecting to DRM on principle, but I'm wanting to buy the Mira Controller app so I can control Max/MSP from my iPad but it's £35, so iTunes vouchers for anything up to that amount would be handy!
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